Tuesday 14 October 2014

The 5 backend tools every game developer needs

At the recent Game Developer Conference Europe in Cologne, I met a lot of developers with creative and innovative ideas. Some of these ideas could have a big impact on the game industry. Unfortunately, most of these developers were making easily avoidable infrastructure mistakes, like building onsite rather than in the cloud — a shortsighted decision that greatly hinders their ability to scale. Great ideas only get game developers so far; they also need the proper architecture tools.
The wide availability of payment tools combined with the popularity of free-to-play models and growing popularity of massive-multiplayer games and social gaming, independent game makers have a great opportunity to make their games a financial success. Most developers are not setup for success, however, because they have neglected infrastructure. What good is a potentially viral, sticky game that can only handle a few hundred players?
Here are five categories of infrastructure that game developers absolutely must consider if they hope for their idea to become a reality.

High-performance cloud infrastructure

Many developers we meet make the mistake of building their initial game on low-performance machines in a private data center. Although it may save costs in the beginning, the strategy fails to take into account high-performance gameplay and the unpredictable burst of user growth that inevitably occurs once a game gets ranked on a great blog or listing and starts to take off. Start with future success in mind by choosing a public cloud, like AWS, SoftLayer, Google Compute Engine or Windows Azure. The public cloud provides the freedom to easily scale up machine resources and deploy an environment in specific global data centers in order to meet variable demand that scales up or down.

NoSQL databases

Even a relatively simple mobile game demands more than one database. The good news is that we have entered a golden age of open-source NoSQL databases. Developers have great and readily available open-source technologies with robust communities behind them at their fingertips. NoSQL databases like MongoDB are more flexible in how they model data while also offering better performance than relational databases.
The open-source Redis database is growing in popularity as the social aspects of gaming become ever more of a draw. Twitch, the livestreaming video platform and community for gamers that Amazon recently bought, uses Redis for its great performance. So does the mobile-gaming network Scopely. Redis is proving able to handle heavy game performance needs, including real-time leaderboards, gameplay transactions, analytics, and player profiles for up to hundreds of thousands of players as well as job-management requests such as messaging.

Application and server monitoring

Monitoring application performance is critical to ensuring that it’s functioning correctly and also for quickly identifying problematic areas when they arise. Transaction speed, error rates, and slow load times can quickly degrade player experience and kill any chance your game has of growing. Tools like New Relic, DataDog, and AppDynamics are well suited for application and server monitoring.

Log management

Games produce tons of data, most of it unstructured and complex. You may have a few friends playing your game today, but once you hit it big, the complexity of gamer volume, gameplay transactions, and gamer lifespan, among other things, will produce enormous data. This can be a headache to manage but can also be immensely valuable to improving gameplay experience, identifying your top players and quickly bringing the game experience back to normal in the event of service disruption. Consider logging solutions like Loggly and Splunk to do the job early on.

Mobile app tracking

When developing a game for a mobile phone or tablet, few things are as facepalm worthy as creating the perfect game experience and getting a great boost in the iTunes or Google Play store ranking without having measured your progress beforehand. Map out the key performance indicators that you need for growth, like installs, new and returning player volume, active user volume and player lifetime. Without keeping track of this valuable information, game developers are missing key opportunities to improve experience and cater to their audiences. Tools like Flurry, HasOffers, and Distimo offer tremendous value in tracking your mobile game’s performance over time and providing the right insights to improve the experience for your players.
It’s a great time to be a game developer. One good idea can massively impact the gaming landscape, but game developers must consider infrastructure. The tools are readily out there. Don’t fall victim to taking infrastructure for granted.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Nvidia’s Maxwell graphics chips for laptops can beat some powerful gaming desktops

Nvidia’s Maxwell graphics chips for laptops can beat some powerful gaming desktops
Above: Nvidia GeForce GTX 980M
Image Credit: Nvidia

Computer gaming is about to take a big leap forward. Nvidia is launching its next-generation graphics chips for laptops today that the company claims are at about 75 percent of the performance of the fastest desktop graphics processing units (GPU)s.
The mobile graphics chips use the new Maxwell architecture that also serves as the foundation for Nvidia’s new desktop GPUs. The Maxwell-based mobile GPUs will be sold under the Nvidia GeForce GTX 980M and 970M brand names. Maxwell chips can deliver twice the performance per watt of power consumed compared to the previous generation of chips. And if you’ve got a desktop gaming machine that is just a little bit old, chances are that the newest gaming laptops will beat it.
As with the desktop GPUs, the mobile GPUs are aimed at addressing the trade-off that players find in games such as Call of Duty: They must either emphasize speed of gameplay or quality of graphics. The Maxwell chips have features that enable them to deliver both performance and low-power consumption.
A successor to Kepler (the name for the previous generation of chips), Maxwell is a new architecture that Nvidia will use across a whole family of products. Its first chips were aimed at the high end, but the latest products are targeting one of the fastest-growing parts of the game hardware business: gamer laptops. That’s why there are now four times as many gamer laptop models as there were three years ago. While PC gaming hardware is growing 11 percent a year, gaming laptops are growing 70 percent a year, Nvidia said.
Kaustubh Sanghani, the general manager of the notebook GPU business, told GamesBeat that the gaming laptop business has grown five times in the past three years. And the No. 1 thing that customers in that market want is “desktop-class performance,” he said.
“We have nearly closed the gap,” Sanghani said.
Santa Clara, Calif.-based Nvidia is touting new features including dynamic super resolution, which renders a game in 4K in the background and outputs it to whatever quality can be displayed on your device, such as 1080p, or a high-definition TV. The resulting image is better than directly rendering an image to 1080p.
Matt Widener and Kaustubh Sanghani show off Maxwell laptops.
Above: Matt Widener and Kaustubh Sanghani show off Maxwell laptops.
Image Credit: Dean Takahashi
Sanghani said that the chips also have multiframe antialiasing, which smooths out the “jaggies,” or the jagged lines on curved surfaces that make images seem obviously computer-generated. He said that the new antialiasing works as good as 4X antialiasing but doesn’t consume as much processing power.
The “voxel” technology — dubbed Voxel Global Illumination (VXGI) — in the chips also enables developers to create better lighting for complex scenes with lots of movement, lighting, and shadows. You can, for instance, place a hanging light in a game scene. If an object hits the light and makes it swing back and forth, it will cast accurate moving lights and shadows throughout the room. Nvidia says it will enable developers to create environments with natural lighting and breathtaking realism. (See the analysis of the tech by graphics expert Jon Peddie here).
Matt Widener, a member of the technical marketing team at Nvidia, said that he expects many new games will be using the VXGI technology within six months.
Yet even with these features, Maxwell chips have twice the energy efficiency of the previous generation. That allows Nvidia to crank up the performance without causing overheating.
In 2010, Fermi-based mobile GPUs, dubbed the GeForce GTX 480m, could only achieve about 40 percent of the performance of the desktop version. By 2012, the Kepler-based GeForce GTX 680m mobile GPU was about 60 percent of the performance of the desktop version. In 2014, with Maxwell, the gap has been closed even more, Sanghani said.
While plugged into a wall socket, a Maxwell-based laptop consumes about 230 watts. On battery power, it consumes about 100 watts.
Nvidia has added software to its GeForce Experience dashboard for the GPUs. That software helps gamers run games at optimal settings so that they consume less power. For instance, a 980m-based laptop will run League of Legends for 90 minutes on battery power. But with Nvidia’s BatteryBoost technology, it can run for 117 minutes at 30 frames per second. Tomb Raider runs for 49 minutes normally, but it runs for 76 minutes on BatteryBoost. If you want to optimize a laptop for battery life, all you have to do is click a single button in the GeForce Experience dashboard.
Numerous companies are launching Maxwell-based laptops today. Those include Asus, MSI, Clevo, and Gigabyte. Maingear said it will have three gamer laptops coming out with the Maxwell chips. Origin PC will also use Maxwell in four gamer laptops.
“The pipeline of games that is coming is amazing,” Sanghani said.
Watch Dogs running on Maxwell GPUs
Above: Watch Dogs running on Maxwell GPUs.
Image Credit: Nvidia

Saturday 4 October 2014

The Best Free Online Resources to Learn Game Development and Gamification

Learn Game Development
Global spending on video games is set to exceed that on movies, and the average 21-year old has racked up 10,000 hours of gaming! The best games and game designers can tap into human psychology in a way that we can all learn something from.
Maybe you’re a gamer curious about the psychology of game design? Perhaps you’re a budding developer wanting to create your own video game, but don’t know where to start. Or even an experienced game developer looking to sharpen your skills?
I’m curating some of the best online courses and resources on game development, gamification and game psychology. The best part? They’re all free! So go ahead and learn something new today!
Edit: If you’re new to computer programming, you should first check out our Web Development Learning Path — an extensive 75-hour curriculum of free online courses to learn web development from scratch.
Game Development for Beginners
1. An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python: One of Coursera’s most popular courses, this Rice University offering is perfect for beginners with little or no Computer Science background. In this 8-week course, you will build a different game each week including classics like Pong, Blackjack, and Asteroids
Level: Beginner | Duration: 9 weeks
2. Beginning Game Programming with C#: Another beginner-level course offered by The University of Colorado. Uses C# which is preferred by some developers using Windows. For a comparison of Python vs. C# for game development, see this thread on GameDev.net
Level: Beginner | Duration: 8 weeks | Next Start Date: To be announced | Read reviews
3. Begin programming: build your first mobile game: This course teaches you to build a basic Android game in Java. Offered by The University of Reading on UK’s FutureLearn platform.
Level: Beginner | Duration: 7 weeks | Next Start Date: To be announced
4. Walker Boys Studio Unity 3D Training: A very comprehensive course that takes you from beginner to developing a 3D game in Unity. The instructors, who have worked at top studios like Ensemble, Firefly, and Terminal Reality, have assembled over 50 hours of content, and have seen over 3.5 million views to date.
Level: Beginner to Advanced | Duration: Self-Paced | Always Available
5. Concepts in Game DevelopmentThis very popular somewhat-theoretical short course on Australia’s Open2Study platform is ideal for beginners looking to dip their toes into game development.
Level: Beginner | Duration: 4 weeks | Next Start Date: To be announced
6. Game Programming A to Z: Space Rocks: This course on Udemy teaches beginners to build a game using free and low-cost tools, such as GIMP, Inkscape, Audacity and GameMaker
Level: Beginner | Duration: Self-paced | Always Available
7. Game Development Crash Course with Corona SDK: Create a simple mobile game using Corona — a tool used by many developers to build mobile apps and games for iOS and Android.
Level: Beginner | Duration: Self-Paced | Always Available
8. gamedev.net: A great community of game developers who share useful articles, answer questions on forums, collaborate on hobby projects, and even post job openings. Great resource for anyone who likes learning in a social setting. 
Level: Beginner to Advanced
Gamification, Game Psychology and Games as Media
9. Gamification: Taught by Wharton professor Kevin Werbach, this is among the earliest and most popular courses on the Coursera Platform. It covers psychological and technological aspects of good game design, and how game design principles can be applied to non-gaming problems.
Level: Beginner | Duration: 10 weeks | Next Start Date: To be announced | Read reviews
10. Gamification Design: This course on Iversity covers how to gamify experiences to make them more interesting. The professor takes gamification seriously — he will reward the best students with a Google Hangout!
Level: Beginner | Duration: 7 weeks | Next Start Date: To be announced
11. Video Games and Learning: This University of Wisconsin-Madison course reviews the kinds of thinking and learning that goes into video games, as they permeate mainstream culture as a source of entertainment.
Level: Beginner | Duration: 6 weeks | Next Start Date: To Be Announced
12. Online Games: Literature, New Media, and Narrative: Tolkien fans — this one’s for you! This 6-week course from Vanderbilt University, designed as an English literature class, covers how stories change as they move across different media (books → movies → games) with Lord Of The Rings as the central example.
Level: Beginner | Duration: 6 weeks |
Game Development for Experienced Developers
13. HTML5 Game Development: This intermediate-level Udacity course (prerequisites include knowledge of HTML and Javascript) is taught by two members of Google’s Chrome team. It covers game development techniques and building a high performance HTML5 application.
Level: Intermediate | Duration: Self-Paced | Next Start Date: Always On
14. General Game Playing: A theoretical mathematics / artificial intelligence course from Stanford about General Game Players, i.e. computer systems that are intelligent enough to play games whose rules they only find out when the game starts (different from say, Deep Blue, which was pre-programmed to play chess). This course requires familiarity with Symbolic Logic and ability to read code.
Level: Advanced | Duration: 8 weeks | Next Start Date: March 31, 2014
15. Game Development Fundamentals with Python: According to the reviews, this Udemy course (taken by over 12,000 students) is good for people with some prior Python programming experience.
Level: Intermediate | Duration: Self-Paced | Always Available
16. Unity3D Environmental Series: Learn to sculpt realistic looking terrain (e.g. snowy mountains) in Unity 3D using this video series.
Level: Intermediate | Duration: Self-Paced | Always Available
Game Art and Design
17. Vertex (e-book on game art): Very comprehensive resource on game art with two 300-page free PDF’s, filled with tips, tricks, and techniques from across the industry. We found this from a hat tip on Reddit.
Level: Intermediate | Duration: Self-Paced | Always Available
18. Game Design Fundamentals: A YouTube talk on game from MIT’s gaming lab.
Level: Beginner | Duration: Self-Paced | Always Available
And finally, here’s your reward for reading this far (gamification FTW!): an awesome TED Talk by game designer and author Jane McGonigal on how gaming can make the world a better place! 
Have you taken any of these courses (or others that you found useful)? Tell us what you think of them in the comments below!
 Gautam Tambay .